Mom Mindset
I remember thinking I would have kids in my early 20s.
Instead, I lived abroad helping other people
on a mission and finished college.
I remember thinking I would read books and books and books to my babies.
Jack hardly sat still and tolerated one book… Dear Zoo.
I remember thinking I would have learning time and teach my kids all the things to prep for school.
Instead, I was the student, being taught by professionals how to implement speech therapy tactics and occupational therapy methods to help my child thrive.
“Often our expectations and vision of motherhood look and feel differently than our experiences.”
I didn’t expect my first baby to say less than 20 words by 2… probably less than that, but I’m trying not to be too dramatic. And I’m sure you’ve had your fair share of surprises both shocking and sweet. Motherhood promises an ever-shifting landscape, and the greatest “tool” I’ve used to create a joyful journey is developing and strengthening a healthy, “I am an amazing mom” mindset. This not to be confused with hiding, pushing away and ignoring, real, raw feelings. Rather, it’s an approach to find grace and growth because your mind and soul believe in your potential as an incredible mom.
Here are 5 ways I foster my Mom Mindset each day.
1. Express gratitude. I pray to God each morning and thank Him. This isn’t my wake up and pray to start my day, it’s another conversation, typically when I’m on my way home from school drop-off. I have a few extra minutes by myself in the car and I focus in on a few extra blessings I’m grateful for – sometimes it’s simple, like the gift of health and other times it’s more complex. Gratitude infuses good energy into your soul. Your faith tradition may look different than mine, so your gratitude of expression may look different, regardless try to be specific about 5 things you are grateful for and verbalize them or write them down in a journal or on your phone.
2. I read or listen to something positive. It can literally be an inspired quote I get daily on my phone. It doesn’t have to be long, but it needs to fill space in your mind to nurture the kind of thoughts and questions you want to have throughout your day. You’re drawing a pattern for day.
3. I identify 3 adjectives I want to become or focus on and connect myself to them.
· I am brave.
· I am capable.
· I am motivated.
4. Turn the music up to match your frequency. I’m a believer in good music moving the energy.
5. Move your body. I love being outside – a 10 minute walk can help me recalibrate. Sometimes I don’t feel the same way about being outside in the winter, so I will add indoor movement into my routine. It doesn’t matter where the movement happens, but that you’re including it frequently.