Every Dream Matters

Sometimes the first step is the hardest.

Sometimes the first step is the hardest.

Just start. Begin today - whatever it is you’ve been itching to do, those opportunities typically don’t come knocking at your door. So whether you choose to concept your unconventional idea on a napkin, open up an ETSY account or put your tennis shoes on for the first time in too long, you’ve just begun a new journey, and you’re going to be great!

While at a conference last year, a customer told me she had a dream to start her own gig, to make specialty items for little ones and how much fun she imagined it would be. I looked her straight in the eyes and boldly told her, “YES! That’s a great idea. Do it.” I think she thought I was kidding, knowing that my goods may conflict with her envisioned goods, so I grabbed for my card and said, “Take this. When you’re ready to launch something or want to take the next step, call me. There’s room for everyone. The designs and goods you envision will reach people I don’t reach, and the same goes for my products. It’s never too late to start. And I think you’d create something beautiful.” She was a bit shocked, but equally as gracious and grateful.

I genuinely meant what I said. There really is room for every dream to be realized…. every dream.

That means YOURS.

I know timing is essential. Sometimes we have to wait to actualize our dreams. Sometimes our babies keep us from sleeping, which keeps us from thinking straight, which keeps us from remembering what our dream was in the first place. Sometimes we need to grow a little more before we start a completely new chapter, and sometimes we just need to be ready to jump.


And remember, there are a lot of people….and I mean a lot, who will benefit from your voice, your authenticity and your inspiration.



The 3 things I'm not supposed to be doing.

